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Empowering Girls Through the Technovation Competition: Building Confidence and Competence

Aug 20

3 min read




At Coder, we're passionate about empowering the next generation of tech-savvy innovators. That's why we're excited to announce our participation in the Technovation competition! But what exactly is Technovation, and why is it such a valuable opportunity for girls?

The Origins and Purpose of Technovation

Technovation, a global tech competition for girls, was founded in 2010 by the non-profit organization Iridescent. The mission is simple yet profound: to inspire and support girls in becoming leaders and problem-solvers through technology. By encouraging young women to develop mobile apps that address real-world issues, Technovation aims to close the gender gap in tech and foster a generation of female leaders who are confident in their abilities to make a difference.

Why Technovation Is Good for Girls

1. Building Confidence and Competence:

Technovation is more than just a competition; it’s a transformative experience. By participating, girls are not only learning to code—they're learning to take risks, tackle challenges, and persist in the face of setbacks. The process of brainstorming, designing, and developing an app from scratch builds a deep sense of competence. And as they see their ideas come to life, their confidence grows exponentially.

2. Real-World Problem Solving:

One of the most powerful aspects of Technovation is its focus on solving real-world problems. Whether it’s addressing environmental issues, healthcare challenges, or social justice, the competition encourages girls to think critically about the world around them. This experience helps them see the immediate impact they can have through technology, making their learning journey not just educational but deeply meaningful.

3. Encouraging Diversity in Tech:

The tech industry has long been dominated by men, but that’s changing thanks to initiatives like Technovation. By participating, girls are stepping into a space where their voices, ideas, and solutions are not just welcomed but celebrated. This competition helps break down stereotypes and shows girls that they, too, can be leaders in technology.

Why Coder Is Proud to Participate

At Coder, we believe that every girl has the potential to be a tech innovator. Our upcoming Technovation training, starting on October 8th, is designed to provide girls with the skills, support, and encouragement they need to succeed in this competition—and beyond.

We’re not just teaching coding; we’re nurturing a mindset of curiosity, creativity, and resilience. By the end of the training, our participants will have the tools and confidence to tackle any challenge they face, whether in Technovation or in their future careers.

The Immediate Impact

The beauty of Technovation lies in its tangible outcomes. Girls don’t just learn—they create. By the end of the competition, participants have developed a fully functional mobile app that addresses a real problem. This experience is incredibly empowering, as it allows girls to see the direct impact of their work. They’re not just coding for the sake of coding; they’re using technology to make the world a better place.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We’re thrilled to be part of Technovation, and we can’t wait to see what our students will achieve. If you have a daughter who’s curious about technology, interested in problem-solving, or simply looking for a new challenge, we invite her to join our Technovation training program.

Let’s work together to build a future where girls lead with confidence, competence, and a passion for making a difference. The journey begins on October 8th, 2024!


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